Tuesday, June 14, 2011




After invasion and conquests
Mother Afrika was left
With despots and dictators
As leaders become the worst
dick daters

Afrika,they love behind the mask
Pan African haters
My heart skips a bit
When I remember myself
In chains of discomfort
Torture in my heart and soul,
crest-fallen but tied to decks
Nights and days I did not see
Swirling sounds of high seas
Smells of rotten and decaying
Brothers and sisters fed to sharks
throwing up,defecating in my static position
Under or beside my own life
raping,against my wishes
Lost wealth and blood,lost energy

But what was my real value
Cigarettes and rum
guns and ammunitions
A mish mash of tribal chieftains
Humanity was long smoked out of their brains
bargains for bayonets
Beaten but up and rising again
Like the sand dunes of Sahel
I wish I could kill Israel once and for all
Silence the bombs dropping in Palestina
Like a genius shuttle poet,
Drop bombs of words
And destroy A Merry Car,I cant drive
It is not christmas in Madagascar
If I was a global Lord
I would declare independence
to the islands suffocating under the ass of Zarkozzy
All the islands traumatized by the queen's menopause

If I could pray

Oh great Engoro,Oh Great Enkai,
Overseer of the mad poets
grand master poets and griots
and great magicians,marticians
with asses like the three peaks of mount Kerenyaga
O lord,you whose head is covered with snow for hair
YOU whose brain has a bond of wisdom
Like the crator lakes
OH Great lord
If I must pray

Good lord,
May you sink the terrible virgin islands
drop them under the sea
In a great heap like the bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Lord,may the sweat of my words
kill the African despots and dictators
Don't spare the Dick daters
Obong'o Nyakaragaaaaaa

Ban and burn all the K alliances in Kenya
Even the Ku Klux Klan
Ban the ass hole crusades
And the Jihads of fundamentalism
Rape the prospects of globalisation
kill the democracies and democrazies
Like the sons of Afrika killed in bondage
Bungle and chain the Rhodes scholars
and the International Mother fcuker,sic suckers
in weird wild skunk
Propagating new weird orders
Persecuting with scientific poverty
Intellectual infidelity,transparent promiscuity
Yet we are non-vigilant
genetically modified political transplants

We shall maim with words
The remnants of historical despots
and all the merchants of wreck
We shall create new and another world,NOW
or not

Dennis Dancan Mosiere is a Nairobi based performance Poet.Fahamu Pan African Fellow.