Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Can the true Kenyan Jerry Rawlings Please stand up!

Most often than not, I have heard a number of my fellow citizens suggest that we need an Obama like person to pull us out of this political quagmire we have been stuck in for many years. Question is, do you really think an Obama can survive in Kenya. I personally think we would eat him alive if the politicians dont bit us to it. I say this because, Kenyans as a people lack individual commitment and drive that saw the Americans elect a black president, something that would have otherwise been considered impossible. if we wont label him as a tribal chief, we are more likely to dismiss him as elitist and out of touch.

Bearing our pettyness and ignorance in mind I suggest we start looking for an individual more like Jerry Rawlings. Alot has been said about the man. some say he is/was a dictator, others think of him as the man who has made ghana what it is today, a true democracy. in effect, Rawlings demystified governance in Ghana, preaching to people that they have a right to demand accountability from their leaders who are there to serve the people. We need a leader who can conduct "a house cleaning" exercise on kenya, the way Jerry Rawlings did to Ghana. Having over thrown the government twice because of the institutionalized corruption, Rawlings gained peoples' confidence and trust. The man knew what needed to be done and he did it. this is what has been lacking among old, new and upcoming leaders of this country, the courage to step up and do what needs to be done instead of walking around seeking approval from all the wrong quarters.

So i say again to all the 2012 hopefuls, rethink your strategy on how to gain respect from this humble citizens.

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