Monday, July 4, 2011

Popularity contest or not, just pay up

There has been alot of talk from the political quoters on whether MP's should pay their taxes as stipulated in the constitution. Of course there is no debate on the side of the Mwananchi because they all seem to resoundingly support John Njiraini. However, our leaders seem to have been caught completely off guard by this issues despite the fact this is not the first time that the tax man has brought this up. But knowing our MP's they never thought in their wildest dreams that this day shall come to pass. In the last two weeks we have seen it all, from threats to paralyze parliament, to cries of being broke.

ButI am not concerned about those who purport not to have the money to pay the taxes, I am more concerned about those who think that by painting those who have paid the taxes as political skimmers, they might get public support or in the least bit buy themselves more time till their terms come to an end. Well I have news for you, kenyans dont care if Raila, Kalonzo and all the others are trying to buy love from the public by paying the taxes. All we care about is that the money is paid. After all arent all the MP's the likes of Jirongo with their village cafeterias doing the same anyway? The only difference is, we are tired of running after the MP's and are more than happy to sort it out with the tax man and the state.

I also want the MP's to think of all those times billions have been stolen from the public. By paying taxes, we will no-longer hope that you can empathize with the public, but feel the pitch in equal measures. So as the likes of Aden Dwale walk around trashing the MP's who have payed their dues saying they are playing public relations games, let this be a wake up call, Kenyans dont really care, all we care about is the end result so PAY UP

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