Monday, April 6, 2009


Whoever said Martha Karua would never resign? Well, i hope you are all swallowing your words right now. It is extremely sad how politics in this country has been turned into a club of idiots out to make money. Kenyans are convinced that all is lost and no one in the present leadership sphere is driven by their moral conscious to do the right think. As a result we tend to dismiss even the few who act with this country's best interest at heart. Well, lets snap out of that nonsense.

Today will go down in modern Kenya's history as the day this generation had a choice to stand up to the old flock and forget the tribal hullabaloo. She might not be perfect in terms of leadership, she is not as charismatic as Obama, doesnt always hit the nail on the head, but one thing is clear, its about time this country elects a person who stands by what they believe in and not swim with each political current and throw their mouths all over the place.

Viva Martha!!!!!

1 comment:

Vincent Ochola said...

Whats in Your Pants?
We as Kenyans esp those of the male species may not be too comfortable having a woman as an MP leave alone as a potential presidential candidate but i think its high time tht we stop dismissing candidates by whats in (or not) in their pants but whats in their mind and hearts.
We not only need intelligent visionary leadership but we need leaders who have INTEGRITY...
If uve the former without the latter then u can easily became a thief who is a genius
The only thing we shud be thinkin bout Martha Karua is whether she has the qualities above and not whats in her pants!!!